ICG company participates in an international exhibition in Russia

In order to expand international trade and economic activities, ICG takes part in many international exhibitions.

Our representatives, led by company officials, are currently participating in the international exhibition "Climate World 2024", which is taking place in the Russian capital Moscow.

The international exhibition "Climate World 2024" is an event specializing in the demonstration of climate technologies, demonstrating the products of cooling, ventilation and heating systems used in industry, trade and the social sphere.

The exhibition, which runs from February 27 to March 1, also features a stand featuring copper value-added products manufactured by ICG.

It is expected that this year the exhibition will be visited by about 11 thousand participants, consumers from more than 40 countries and 79 regions of Russia.

ICG is also negotiating with several foreign companies and organizations to establish trade and economic cooperation within the framework of this exhibition.